Build shared library of ffmpeg with x264 to use in visual studio win32 project

After few painful failure attempts at last i was able to build shared library which can be used in visual studio win32 project. Here is the process which i have gone through. Hope this will be helpful. I don't want any body to face the same failure moments..

Environment settings

  1. Download msys2 32 bit form this link and install it.(in my case installed "msys2-i686-20160205.exe" in directory is "c:\msys32").
  2. Run it and run below commands
    • update-core (Update the system packages with)
      close MSYS2, run it again and run below commands
    • pacman -Sy
    • pacman -Su  (sometimes this command creates error then you have uninstall msys2 and install again. In that case you can ignore this command)
    • pacman -S pkg-config make diffutils
  3.  go to C:\msys32\usr\bin and rename "link.exe" to "link_backup.exe". Because we will not use this link. we will use visual studio link.
  4. Download yasm win32 ".exe" version from
    (in my case file name was "yasm-1.3.0-win32.exe")after downloading exe file rename it as "yasm.exe" and place it or replace if already exists in "C:\msys32\usr\bin" directory.

    Open visual studio Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 or VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt(2nd one is preferable).
    Generally the tool path is like below
    " C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts
    • run c:\msys32\mingw32_shell.bat 
    • Run below commands and check the output
      • command: which cl
        /c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC/BIN/cl 
      • command: which link
        output: /c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC/BIN/link
      • command: which lib
        output: /c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/VC/BIN/lib
      • command: which yasm
        output: /usr/bin/yasm

Steps to build x264

  1. Use visual studio 2013 update 2 or later.(This supports CC=cl  compiler).
  2. Download  source code of latest x264 from this website.
  3. Extract the files in a directory (in my case " c:\codecsBuild\x264 ").
  4. Open visual studio Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 or VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt(2nd one is preferable).
    Generally the tool path is like below
    " C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts
  5. Run
    this will open new command line interface.
  6. Now go to the directory where you have extracted x264 using command line. In my case command is
    cd /c/codecsBuild/x264
  7. Now run below command to create x264 shared library.
    CC=cl ./configure --disable-cli --disable-asm --enable-shared --enable-pic --prefix=../Codecs --extra-cflags="-DNO_PREFIX"

    • Options are optional. To see the options you can run "./configure --help".
    • To create static library use "--enable-static" instead instead of "--enable-shared".
    • "--enable-pic" means  build position-independent code.
      "--prefix" means the path where built codec will be created. (in my case the path is "../Codecs"  equivalent to "c:\codecsBuild\Codecs")
  8. Now run
    Build will start.
  9. Now run
    make install
Thats it. you will see 3 folders in prefix directory.
  • "bin" folder contains "libx264-<version>.dll" (in my case it was "libx264-148.dll")
  • "include" folder contains "x264.h" and "x264_config.h"
  • "lib" folder contains "pkconfig" folder and "libx264.dll.lib" . Rename it with "libx264.lib"

Steps to build ffmpeg with/without x264

  1. If you want to build ffmpeg with x264 then you have to build x264 first (discussed earlier). Otherwise follow below steps..
  2. Download  source code of latest ffmpeg from this website.
  3. Extract the files in a directory (in my case " c:\codecsBuild\ffmpeg ").
  4. Open visual studio Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 or VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt(2nd one is preferable).
    Generally the tool path is like below
    " C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts
  5. Run
    this will open new command line interface.
  6. Now go to the directory where you have extracted ffmpeg using command line. In my case command is
    cd /c/codecsBuild/ffmpeg
  7. Now run below command to create ffmpeg shared library with x264.

    ./configure --toolchain=msvc --target-os=win32 --arch=x86 --enable-gpl
    --prefix=../Codecs --disable-asm --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-stripping --disable-everything --disable-doc --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --enable-ffmpeg --disable-programs --disable-ffprobe --enable-libx264 --enable-encoder=libx264 --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-encoder=h263 --enable-decoder=h263 --enable-hwaccels --enable-avfilter --disable-devices --disable-avdevice --disable-swresample --disable-postproc --extra-cflags="-I../Codecs/include -fPIC -DNO_PREFIX"  --extra-ldflags="-LIBPATH:../Codecs/lib"

    • Options are optional. To see the options you can run "./configure --help".
    • To create static library use "--enable-static --disable-shared" instead instead of "--enable-shared --disable-static".
    • "-fpic" means  build position-independent code.
      "--prefix" means the path where built codec will be created. (in my case the path is "../Codecs"  equivalent to "c:\codecsBuild\Codecs")
    •  -I../Codecs/include is used in --extra-cflags to show the compiler the path of the header files of x264 which is located in "../Codecs/include" directory.
    •  -LIBPATH:../Codecs/lib is used in --extra-ldflags to show the compiler the path of the libx264.lib file which is located in "../Codecs/lib" directory.
      N.B.: if you search online, you will find --extra-ldflags="-L<path>". Which will work for gcc compiler. But for visual studio compiler you have to use  --extra-ldflags="-LIBPATH:<path>" and use --toolchain=msvc (micro soft visual-studio compiler)
    • If you want to build only ffmpeg without x264 then
      • remove --enable-libx264 --enable-encoder=libx264 --enable-decoder=h264 from command.
      • replace --extra-cflags="-I../Codecs/include -fPIC -DNO_PREFIX" with
        --extra-cflags="-fPIC -DNO_PREFIX"
      •  remove --extra-ldflags="-LIBPATH:../Codecs/lib"
  8. Now run
    Build will start.
  9. Now run
    make install
Thats it. you will see 3 folders in prefix directory.
  • "bin" folder contains all the dll and lib files.
  • "include" folder contains all header files.
  • "lib" folder contains "pkconfig" folder and other def files.

-----------The END.  This is it.. So simple.. Keep smiling..--------

Next Part generally is not needed
To create import libraries that work with the /OPT:REF option (which is enabled by default in Release mode), follow these steps:
  1. Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt.
  2. Enter the c:\codecsBuild\Codecs\bin directory where the created LIB and DLL files are stored.
  3. Generate new import libraries with using this command.
    lib /machine:i386 /def:..\lib\<lib name>-<version>.def  /out:<lib name>.lib


  1. i have get error

    $ make
    cat: config.h: No such file or directory
    No working C compiler found.
    Makefile:3: config.mak: No such file or directory
    make: *** [Makefile:236: config.mak] Error 1


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