Build shared library of ffmpeg with x264 to use in visual studio win32 project
After few painful failure attempts at last i was able to build shared library which can be used in visual studio win32 project. Here is the process which i have gone through. Hope this will be helpful. I don't want any body to face the same failure moments.. Environment settings Download msys2 32 bit form this link and install it.(in my case installed " msys2-i686-20160205.exe " in directory is "c:\msys32" ). Run it and run below commands update-core ( Update the system packages with) close MSYS2, run it again and run below commands pacman -Sy pacman -Su (sometimes this command creates error then you have uninstall msys2 and install again. In that case you can ignore this command) pacman -S pkg-config make diffutils go to C:\msys32\usr\bin and rename "link.exe" to "link_backup.exe". Because we will not use this link. we will use visual studio link. Download yasm win32 ".exe...