
Comma-separated string to tabular format

  Comma-separated string to tabular data Sometimes we need to extract individual data from the comma-separated strings. We can use the following query to do that in oracle. SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('my comma separated string', '[^,]', 1, LEVEL) TYPE, LEVEL FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= REGEXP_COUNT('my  comma separated string','[^,]') ;

Text search in saved PL/SQL

Text search in saved PL/SQL Sometimes we need to search a text to know where this text has been used in saved PL/SQLs. We can use the following query to fetch this. SELECT * FROM ALL_SOURCE  WHERE UPPER(TEXT) LIKE '%MY TEXT%' AND TYPE = 'PACKAGE BODY'  ; Here TYPE is optional. It can be PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, PACKAGE, PACKAGE BODY, etc.

Trigger for Audit Trail in Oracle

 For the Audit trail of a transactional or master data table, we can use the following format to trace the differences.  First, create a table for storing audit data named as < SCHEMA_NAME>.< TABLE_NAME>_AUDIT CREATE TABLE  < SCHEMA_NAME>.< TABLE_NAME>_AUDIT  (           COLUMN_NAME TYPE,           ACTION CHAR(1),           ACTION_DATE DATE,           ACTION_USER_ID NUMBER(18),           CLIENT_DEVICE VARCHAR2(100),            CLIENT_OS_USER VARCHAR2(100) ); Then, create a trigger named as  < TABLE_NAME>_TRIGGER CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER  < TABLE_NAME>_TRIGGER AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR   DELETE   ON < TABLE_NAME> FOR EACH ROW DECLARE          V_USER_ID NUMBER(9); ...

How to Build WPF project with Setup file (Installer Project)

Firstly create a WPF project say "SampleWpfApplication". Here I'm going to use Visual Studio 2013. Created a project named SampleWpfApplication You can add your necessary runtime projects' library dll into your project reference if you want. Here I included a sample runtime project's library into my project. Create Installer Project Now its time to add our installer project. By default in your visual studio you will not see "Visual Studio Installer". If you don't see then you have to download it from visual studio installer project for 2013 and install it. So next You have to create Setup project. Your project is added into your solution. Modify Installer Project Go to view File System of the installer project. Then you'll see  Add "Program Files Folder" Add Project Output 1# Firstly you have to add project output into "Application Folder" ...